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Features and BenefIts of
4007 Series Casement Renovation Windows
3-1/2" Frame Depth – ideal for the reno- vation and new construction markets
- Frame and Sash are heat welded to increase strength and eliminate air/ water leakage in corners Frame and Sash are heat welded to increase strength and eliminate air/ water leakage in corners
- Wide selection of models: Casement, Awning Fixed, PictureWindow, Bay Window, BowWindow and Special Shape windows
- Designed to acommodate 3/4" and 7/8" insulated glass.
- Dual weather seals ensure comfort from exterior climate
- Casement sash is fully weatherstripped
- Complete selection of accessories: jamb extensions (different sizes),nail-on flange,drywallreturn & various mullions
- All window models are fully tested under AAMA,WDMA, CSA, NAFS Standards, QAI
Insulated Glass Units
- Energy efficient glass unit with Endura warm edge stainless steel spacer bar
- Argon gas filled units
- Various LowE options available
- Removable Preserve Film protects
- windows from scratches and getting dirty during construction process
- All products warranted for 25 years
- Various Jamb Extensions
- Grills between Glass
ProfIle Colour Options

Insulated Glazing Options
LoE 180-High Solar Gain Glass
[One silver layer] Ideal for passive solar applications, it allows winter sun’s heat to pass into the home while blocking heat loss.
270-Advanced Performance Glass
[Two silver layers] Excellent year-round performance with additional solar control.
366-Ultimate Performance Glass
[Three silver layers] The ultimate performance glass, delivering the perfect balance of solar control and high visibility.
LoE i89-Enhanced Performance Glass
Special coating on the indoor lite reflects escaping heat thus lowering U-Factors.
Neat® Naturally Clean Glass
Neat® naturally clean glass harnesses the sun’s UV rays to loosen dirt so water can rinse it away, leaving windows virtually spotless.
Preserve™ Window Film
Preserve is a factory applied film that protects the glass surface from dirt and scratches during fabrication and installation.
Endur IG - Insulating Glass
Endur IG delivers the industry’s lowest failure rate and the only comprehensive 20-year factory warranty.